Writing & Editing

I hold a BA in Journalism from Concordia University, and have been published in The Montreal Mirror, and other online and physical publications over the years.

In 2009, I co-founded the Forget The Box Media Collective and launched the site ForgetTheBox.net. I served as the site’s Editor-in-Chief, Political Op-Ed Columnist, and occasional Arts Contributor until February 2023, when it was replaced by the Local Arts Magazine ForgetTheBox.ca. The old site’s content, including my contributions, is currently offline, and slowly being archived at the new site.

I have also worked as a copywriter for several companies, and freelance. This content belongs to the respective clients.

I have written scripts for short films such as 80 Years of Winter, as well as a 10-part radio drama called The Outside World, both for Silo Voice Studios.

Currently, I am an occasional contributor on ForgetTheBox.ca, and have started, and write for SVS Reviews, covering franchises like Star Wars and Star Trek, as well as WWE Wrestling. I use my own byline on this site for opinion pieces and reviews, but also write news and trailer updates simply as SVS Reviews.